
Making BIG life decisions from intuition.

What’s Intuition?

Intuition: [Noun] Ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. An instinctive feeling, often associated as a gut feeling. Every culture has a unique way to understand this phenomenon known as intuition but in Hawaii we call it our Na’au, gut.

What my elders taught me.

My Na Kupuna raised me to know that there’s a spiritual and physical side to everything. For example, we have a physical gut and a spiritual one. Both are important because they digest what we consume. Our gut tells us when something is sour or wrong and it can sense where we’re content.

Our spiritual gut digest

the energy or spirit around us. It can sense the intentions of others with precision. We’re all born with it. Remember when you took your first breath? Maybe not. But that was your innate knowing, your intuition in its infancy. You trusted it. Something inside you said, “Breathe” and you didn’t question or doubt yourself. Ah, life was simple.

Are you wondering, why do we make bad choices?


We forgot how to listen

I was walking around my favorite garden shop Ravenna Gardens reflecting on some major decisions I made last year. In a heartbeat I knew I needed to get a divorce and didn’t waiver or doubt my decision.

You have to practice listening.

It’s not so much that we forget how to listen but that we’re completely distracted by

  1. our devices

  2. everyones opinions (social media)

  3. everyone’s a professional (social media)

  4. everyone’s selling something (everywhere)

  5. self doubt due to the previous four reasons.

Everything boils down to one thing


Do you trust yourself? The truth is that we’ve allowed other’s to impress their ideas and unfulfilled goals on us.

But what do you want?

You always know

You always know what you need to do at any given time but the choice might feel overwhelming. Especially when your making BIG life choices that will impact others.

The choice might feel uncomfortable but

will it be the BEST decision for your future self?

Think about the future when making decisions and lean in on your own gut feeling.

Here’s my go-to list when “making up my mind”

  • trust myself

  • breathe

  • pray

  • keep it to myself

  • be cautious of who I share my situation with, remember that anything you share in confidence can and may be used against you

Here’s my practical list

  • Write down my BIG decision

  • Then work backwards and put it into small steps

  • Do one small step every day

Visit places

It was my saving grace to visit places that inspired me. As I faced my trauma I knew that I didn’t want to remain in a space of victim-hood. I found it helpful to change up my physical space, in order to get my head in a better frame of mind. I had some major decisions and a walk in the garden boost my spirit which improved my soul and lifted my body. Not to mention that I added a few wonderful books to my collection.

Comment Below: How do you make BIG decisions?

How to shop for inspiration.


Inspiration is more than a Pinterest quote it’s a state of mind. It’s also a feeling we get when an innate belief is ignited by an image, word(s), sight, touch, taste and sound. The interesting part is how our subconscious reacts to inspiration. Each connection is both physical and soulful.

Since we live in a world where negative news, road rage, and rude social media comments plague our air space we need to create a bubble of joy, aka inspiration, around us. Which is why I suggest that you shop for inspiration. Don’t worry you don’t have to spend a penny, unless you want to.


What makes you smile?

Who is that person, place or thing that will always put a smile on your face?

Travel down memory lane and recall a time when you were completely devastated or crushed. Then think about how you were able to smile again.

PAUSE: Write down your reflection.


What’s your ideal landscape?

Is there a place that refreshes you? What does it look link? Is it a blue ocean or green mountain?

Consider the scenery that melts your heart. A place you feel calm or relaxed. Allow your mind to recreate this space.

PAUSE: Pull out your colors to draw or cut out a magazine and collage it.


What flavors spark joy?

My community goes nuts for pumpkin spice lattes because it sparks joy. What’s yours?

“Food is memories!” - One hundred foot journey. Our tastebuds hold just as many memories as our mind. Focus on the joyful experiences.

PAUSE: Create a Pinterest board of all your memorable flavors.


What sounds motivate you?

“If music be the food of love play on.” - Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.

Nowadays we can create playlist for every occasion. Do you have one dedicated to inspiration? Having the right sound can improve our attitude and so much more.

PAUSE: Make a music playlist and title it, “Inspire Me!”


What quotes help in your toughest situation?

Repetitional words enter our subconscious and become truths.

Think about words, poems, lyrics, and speeches that inspire you. Words are powerful and the right formulation can be life changing.

PAUSE: Write or photocopy all of your fave quotes, then display it.


Here comes the fun part

Once you've answered all of the prompts what did you observe?

Do any of the images, word(s), sight, touch, taste or sounds surround you on a daily basis? If the answer is no -or- not enough then you have to change it.

Now it’s time to shop! Create a budget and stick to it. You might not have to spend a penny. Repositioning a few key pieces in your home can improve the environment.

[Side Note: I suggest you de-clutter first.]

Here comes the fun Part-2

Change up your space to reflect the seasons. I’m not talking about Christmas decorations but refreshing your space on a regular basis. Allow your mind to dream and then pull from your wonderful ideas. Each season offers you the chance to reimagine your space.

An inexpensive way to boost inspiration is to add fresh flowers or plants.

Comment additional ideas.

If you’ve read all then way to the end and find value in this post please share the ALOHA and post on your social channels. Together we can promote positive change.

What to do with unwanted change?


Change in gas prices, weather, etc.

Unwanted change is going to happen regardless of how you feel. In fact I can guarantee change and so can you.

But what if it’s something you don’t want and can’t prevent?


Look to the past!

Generations of people have dealt with both aggressive and progressive change but their action made the difference. The “Action” you take after reading or hearing this will determine your tomorrow. I listed five tips to help you.

Read through the five tips and then listen to the corresponding podcast for details. Then post your comments below. If you want more support make sure you’re receiving the newsletter.

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Accept It

Acceptance doesn’t mean that you like it.

This step allows you to move forward by acknowledging the change in your life.

Maybe it’s loosing someone or something.

Perhaps a missed opportunity.

What’s changed in your life?

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You have to create a positive visual representation.

We get “stuck” in our headspace worrying, wondering and wanting the CHANGE to go away.

But that’s not going to happen, refer to Step #1.

Take a few deep breaths, this is only temporary. (That’s what the Elders say.)

Write a list of things you control.

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What do you value?

In the heat of the moment or when stressed we can loose sight of the most important things in life.

A gentle reminder is always helpful to regain a healthy perspective.

Go over the list you wrote and place a number value next to each item.

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Be the change!

You are more powerful than you know and capable to overcome any circumstance.

Just like a healthy river you have to keep moving both physically and mentally. Your blood has to circulate and your brain needs positive reinforcement.

Use the list you created to make a TO DO LIST. Do what you have the power to control.

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Create sacred space.

It could be a special chair, a place in your garden or soaking in your bathtub. Make time to enjoy the simple pleasure in life.

Be consistent, plan and maintain this part of your schedule.

If you get too busy don’t skip it, just reschedule it. Nourishing moments make life livable.

What do you enjoy?

Join our tribe

The cadence of your Intuition [4/5]

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CADENCE: a rhythmic sequence.

The best advice I ever received was, “Listen to your na’au.” In Hawaiian the word na’au has several meanings but in my situation it meant to, “listen to your intuition/gut.”

Your na’au isn’t swayed by marketing tactics or pressured by sales men over the phone. It’s connected to something deeper, your soul.

The trick is to tune out all the distractions and learn to trust what your gut/intuition is telling you. I’m sure you’ve experienced that feeling before.

I started a five part series called, “Create your own magic.” And the premise behind the post was to encourage us all to wake-up, get motivated and stop waiting for others to inspire us. We become our own cheerleader!

It’s interesting that the inspiration came just before the global pandemic which oddly enough is hitting some areas harder than others. The crazy part is that I live in one of the hardest hit states and life will never be the same. People are more suspicious and assume the worst through social distancing. It’s almost as if mistrust has permission and accepted as the norm. In fact I've read that there’s a “snitches app” where you can anonymously report someone you believe to be sick, even if they’re coughing because of an allergy.

Fear has gripped our communities and although I believe in preventive health measures I have witnessed a few extremes. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand the need for social distancing but I would rather more focus and dollars to be spent on unraveling the source. Why Wuhan?

Meanwhile we are left to find the pieces of a puzzle that has been tossed off the table. The puzzle is called stability. Hopefully you’ve been following the podcast as I address strategies to make your own magic and therefore creating stability because YOU are the defining variable. Below are the past three titles.


It’s not easy to listen to your own intuition because there are many distractions but here’s a clever way to clear the mental clutter by asking the following clarifying questions.

  1. What is my initial feeling about that situation or person? (Gut feeling)

  2. Why do I feel uncomfortable?

  3. What is the short term benefits?

  4. What are the long term benefits?

  5. Does this align with my goals?

Find the Cadence

Everything that endures follows a cadence, even Mother Nature follows a cadence. There’s a rhythm to life that finds harmony in the ebb and flow of life. The secret is understanding the current of your frequency then trusting that wave or intuition.

I don’t know my future but I understand the music of my soul. I know what resonates with me and stay away from the things that do not. Once you begin to trust your intuition you will connect to the music of your soul. In fact the reason you’re currently reading this is because your intuition has guided you here and I’m so happy you’re here.


When healing is the goal + PDF

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It’s never easy to heal but always necessary.

I remember getting hurt and my Dad taking care of the wound… OUCH! Why was the healing process so painful, yet important?

If the wound wasn’t cleaned it would have become infected and caused other complications. Which is exactly what happens with emotional pain and unresolved heartaches. But how does one heal from emotional scars and bruises?

Trust, Love and Know thyself, this is all a part of the healing process.
— Ho'omalamalama

Well I’m no psychiatrist but I do know what emotional pain feels like. I also hold close the advice from my grandmother, “The answer is within!” Which inspired me to create the PDF below. It’s a combination of helpful prompts to draw from the well of your subconscious.

I truly believe that we have the antidote to our misfortune. The keys to unlock our healing and provide safe passage through this thing called LIFE. And with that I hope you will join me and re-align ourselves with JOY.

Grab the free PDF


Limited Offer

To Inspire You


To Encourage You


Find your drishti, Focus


Have you ever felt distracted, rushed or unable to focus?

Do you remember starting one thing and by the end of the day it turned into six projects? All of which are unfinished.

We chalk it up as normal creative flow but is it?

Is it normal to be distracted or is is it a sign of the times?

Our ability to “focus” is a war zone and we have to use tactical steps to get the job done.

I learned to focus through a practice called finding your Drishti. It was taught to me through one of my favorite yogi whom we lovingly call Mama Paula. Together with her daughter Maya they started SOL Health Yoga Wellness Center where they continue to inspire their community.

Your Drishti is the ability to find something to focus on & direct your energy towards. In fact I’ve compiled another 5 STEP list.

Before I get into the “Five Steps To Finding Your Drishti” I have to share with you my Yoga testimony to explain my connection with this practice that I’ve come to know and love. Yes, love.


Back in 2011 an insane driver came head-on into my lane causing a horrific accident. The MRI’s revealed that my spine had the early signs of degenerative disease. I didn’t want any experimental surgery or kidney destroying drugs so I opted for Hot Yoga [Bikram Yoga] and regular supplements. [Learn more.]


Yes, you read it correctly. A second accident in January 2019 sent me to the chiropractors. This time a pizza driver ran the red and plowed into us. This second scan had me nervous and the DC sat me down.


My spine is vibrant and healthy!!! I asked him if he saw anything and he looked at me with an awkward stare, “No why, are you expecting something?” Honestly, I was in awe. My previous diagnosis DIDN’T EXIST IN MY BODY! I was ecstatic and grateful for the life changes that I’ve made.




When I stepped into the Yoga studio the instructor guided us to find our “Drishti” or a place of focus.

This was easier said than done and it took a lot of practice. I had to make a decision to focus on one object and devote my energy towards it.



Your eyes are a powerful tool which is why it’s important to focus, gaze and look towards something that will ground you.

I struggled on holding my Asana yet I stuck with it. Believing that I would improve over time.

In Yoga and life we have to remember to look at what we desire. Which is why vision boards are so helpful.



This is such an important part. It connects your head-space with your physical-space.

Listening to your breath invites awareness as you inhale and exhale. The sound of your breath leaving your body has a soothing effect when practiced regularly. What was once internal became external.

Breathing grounds us and it is the perfect anchor.



Condition your mind to focus through activities that will boost your ability to focus, such as a good workout. Which might sound strange but your body may be experiencing tension, frustration or confusion that could be manifesting in a lack of focus.

A good workout, Zumba or yoga session can relieve unnecessary tension in the body and usher in clarity.

Walking daily is also a great example of a healthy workout routine. Each day is a WIN, so start winning and stay fit.



No one can create a healthy habit in just one day, it will take time to become accustomed to focusing your mind.

The best advice I could give on maintaining focus is to form a habit and make it fun.

I know this might sound weird but when I have to complete a project I’ll have my favorite Theo dark chocolate nearby. Which is my short term reward, lol. Because my body wants the chocolate but my mind has to complete what it started. Essentially creating a grown-up version of a rewards system.

Finding your Drishti elevates the soul, trains the mind and strengthens the body.
— Ho'omālamalama

consider getting a guide


If it wasn’t for my Yoga instructor I would have failed. Hearing her voice prompting us to, “Stay focused” and “Find your Drishti” made all the difference. After some time I was able to do it alone and enjoy the process.

An invitation


The purpose of a guide isn’t to control but rather to direct. To help one find their focus or re-focus. Then it dawned on me, my program is THAT guide! I help Women focus on what’s important to them through an eight module online class and a livestream mastermind. I call this creation, “Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind” which consist of an online E-Course and three Livestream sessions. The E-Course is called “The Opening Ceremony” because it lays down the foundation to the mastermind. Think of it as a prerequisite to the “Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind.”



  1. WHO AM I








    Worksheets [pdf] for each module.



  • One LIVESTREAM session per month.

  • Private facebook group.

  • Instagram spotlight.

  • A “focused-session” to get stuff done!

Member’s special


And “The opening ceremony”

3 for 1

[Three months for the price of one month.]

examples of the pdf’s


5 Reasons to have a planning system

The goal is to create a visual blueprint, containing the many facets of your life to bring harmony & balance
— Ho'omalamalama

Before you shop for a planner or calendar figure out what you need. Try answering this question: What do I want to accomplish in 1-day, 1-week, 1-month and 1-year?

Some planners offer weekly, daily or task management space. While other's are specially packaged like the "Mommy Planner" which has stickers that correlate to a busy moms lifestyle. I've noticed a trend in lifestyle bloggers and YouTubers who now promote their own planner. Which I think is awesome. [why] Because they're promoting what they use. I fall into that category.

I started planning in the 1990's, can you believe it! I was homeschooled by my Mom & she gave me a black leather planner to write out my subjects and plan my workload. Yes, I'm a nerd through and through. As I got older I developed my own style and eventually a system. I'm going to share with you my system.

Random picture, when someone asked me, "What's in your bag?" It's business mixed with creativity and health.

Random picture, when someone asked me, "What's in your bag?" It's business mixed with creativity and health.

Below are my 5 reasons to create a system.




Turn mundane calendars into marvelous creations. I had fun with my sumo stickers.

Turn mundane calendars into marvelous creations. I had fun with my sumo stickers.

Personal washi-tape collection. And yes it's Totoro.

Personal washi-tape collection. And yes it's Totoro.

You can create sections for your...

  • Fitness & Workout Schedule

  • Menu Planning

  • Birthday's

  • Holiday's

  • Event Planning

  • Track a Habit

  • Scrapbook a Memory

  • Meetings & Follow-up

  • Projections

  • Affirmations

  • and so much more+

The addiction is real, but it's my style. Find yours and don't apologize for it.

The addiction is real, but it's my style. Find yours and don't apologize for it.

My workshops usually involve some type of planning strategy.

My workshops usually involve some type of planning strategy.

I even manage some art-journaling into my system.

I even manage some art-journaling into my system.

Below is a vlog I created to show you my personal system and how I use each and every piece. I originally did a Facebook live and uploaded it to my YouTube channel. The actual "5 Tips" are in the description box in YT, don't forget to like and subscribe. [cheesy plug]


Want to Create a Holistic Lifestyle?

Join The 22 Day Beautiful Body Challenge

  1. Get [3] three or more of your closest friends to join you. [Locally or virtually like Google Hangouts.]

  2. Everyone sign up individually for the BBC below. Remember to join on the same day.

  3. Over the next 22-Days you’ll get one simple task, every two days, to complete. Enjoy the journey.