The cadence of your Intuition [4/5]

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CADENCE: a rhythmic sequence.

The best advice I ever received was, “Listen to your na’au.” In Hawaiian the word na’au has several meanings but in my situation it meant to, “listen to your intuition/gut.”

Your na’au isn’t swayed by marketing tactics or pressured by sales men over the phone. It’s connected to something deeper, your soul.

The trick is to tune out all the distractions and learn to trust what your gut/intuition is telling you. I’m sure you’ve experienced that feeling before.

I started a five part series called, “Create your own magic.” And the premise behind the post was to encourage us all to wake-up, get motivated and stop waiting for others to inspire us. We become our own cheerleader!

It’s interesting that the inspiration came just before the global pandemic which oddly enough is hitting some areas harder than others. The crazy part is that I live in one of the hardest hit states and life will never be the same. People are more suspicious and assume the worst through social distancing. It’s almost as if mistrust has permission and accepted as the norm. In fact I've read that there’s a “snitches app” where you can anonymously report someone you believe to be sick, even if they’re coughing because of an allergy.

Fear has gripped our communities and although I believe in preventive health measures I have witnessed a few extremes. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand the need for social distancing but I would rather more focus and dollars to be spent on unraveling the source. Why Wuhan?

Meanwhile we are left to find the pieces of a puzzle that has been tossed off the table. The puzzle is called stability. Hopefully you’ve been following the podcast as I address strategies to make your own magic and therefore creating stability because YOU are the defining variable. Below are the past three titles.


It’s not easy to listen to your own intuition because there are many distractions but here’s a clever way to clear the mental clutter by asking the following clarifying questions.

  1. What is my initial feeling about that situation or person? (Gut feeling)

  2. Why do I feel uncomfortable?

  3. What is the short term benefits?

  4. What are the long term benefits?

  5. Does this align with my goals?

Find the Cadence

Everything that endures follows a cadence, even Mother Nature follows a cadence. There’s a rhythm to life that finds harmony in the ebb and flow of life. The secret is understanding the current of your frequency then trusting that wave or intuition.

I don’t know my future but I understand the music of my soul. I know what resonates with me and stay away from the things that do not. Once you begin to trust your intuition you will connect to the music of your soul. In fact the reason you’re currently reading this is because your intuition has guided you here and I’m so happy you’re here.
