Making BIG life decisions from intuition.

What’s Intuition?

Intuition: [Noun] Ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. An instinctive feeling, often associated as a gut feeling. Every culture has a unique way to understand this phenomenon known as intuition but in Hawaii we call it our Na’au, gut.

What my elders taught me.

My Na Kupuna raised me to know that there’s a spiritual and physical side to everything. For example, we have a physical gut and a spiritual one. Both are important because they digest what we consume. Our gut tells us when something is sour or wrong and it can sense where we’re content.

Our spiritual gut digest

the energy or spirit around us. It can sense the intentions of others with precision. We’re all born with it. Remember when you took your first breath? Maybe not. But that was your innate knowing, your intuition in its infancy. You trusted it. Something inside you said, “Breathe” and you didn’t question or doubt yourself. Ah, life was simple.

Are you wondering, why do we make bad choices?


We forgot how to listen

I was walking around my favorite garden shop Ravenna Gardens reflecting on some major decisions I made last year. In a heartbeat I knew I needed to get a divorce and didn’t waiver or doubt my decision.

You have to practice listening.

It’s not so much that we forget how to listen but that we’re completely distracted by

  1. our devices

  2. everyones opinions (social media)

  3. everyone’s a professional (social media)

  4. everyone’s selling something (everywhere)

  5. self doubt due to the previous four reasons.

Everything boils down to one thing


Do you trust yourself? The truth is that we’ve allowed other’s to impress their ideas and unfulfilled goals on us.

But what do you want?

You always know

You always know what you need to do at any given time but the choice might feel overwhelming. Especially when your making BIG life choices that will impact others.

The choice might feel uncomfortable but

will it be the BEST decision for your future self?

Think about the future when making decisions and lean in on your own gut feeling.

Here’s my go-to list when “making up my mind”

  • trust myself

  • breathe

  • pray

  • keep it to myself

  • be cautious of who I share my situation with, remember that anything you share in confidence can and may be used against you

Here’s my practical list

  • Write down my BIG decision

  • Then work backwards and put it into small steps

  • Do one small step every day

Visit places

It was my saving grace to visit places that inspired me. As I faced my trauma I knew that I didn’t want to remain in a space of victim-hood. I found it helpful to change up my physical space, in order to get my head in a better frame of mind. I had some major decisions and a walk in the garden boost my spirit which improved my soul and lifted my body. Not to mention that I added a few wonderful books to my collection.

Comment Below: How do you make BIG decisions?