I'm going to keep it plain and simple. In fact I'll share the entire point of this blogpost in the next sentence. The secret sauce to success is to feed/nourish your mind, body & soul through habits & rituals.
The end.
Okay, I'm not really through because I have some pictures and a few videos to share, in fact producing these two minute videos below took all of two hours each. [WHY] Because I was in the middle of my habit when I realized, "Geez I should take a picture of this!"
I'm not going to explain why you need healthy habits or the purpose of a ritual, since I've written about it before. You can click on the highlighted words above.
“Habits become a part of your subconscious living. Rituals become a part of your soulful living.”
I know this might sound cheesy but you have to nourish your mind with positivity, inspiration, daily motivation. The same way our bodies need hydration your mind requires a healthy heaping of good thoughts. No one, not even Oprah, can exist without connecting, hearing or repeating something positive. What feeds your mind? [comment below]
I do this thing called, "mad art" where I shut out the world and create like MADNESS. I don't stop to take pictures of my creation process and rarely share what I make. [WHY] Because I set apart this time to nourish my soul. Art, for me, is a private moment to feed my soul through colors, textures and art supplies. Come to think of it art and nature share the spotlight in this arena. What feeds your soul? [comment below]
We misinterpret this so much but never on purpose. There are industries who thrive upon our misinformed ideas concerning food. "Eat salt, don't eat salt" the list is endless and it will always contradicts itself. I started a FIT-FOODIE Program to help my fitness members reconnect to FOOD and not fads. It is important to create habits around this area of your life because it will sustain the other two areas. Your mind and soul will excel in rituals of self-respect and self-expression but it is your body that requires a dedicated habit of self-care. What feeds your body? [comment below]
Get your habits in check. Find out what is serving you and what isn't. Watch the tutorial and download my habit tracker here.
Create rituals around the SOUL nourishing moments in your life. Do you start your day in prayer or end with a gratitude journal?
Schedule your inspiration! Nourish your MIND on a weekly, even daily basis. Because the mind is a terrible thing to loose.
Slowly adapt habits that will improve your BODY. Take time to introduce these habits so that your lifestyle will become accustom to it.
Influence someone else through your consistent self-nourishment. Your example will speak volumes to someone else so just keep swimming. [Dori's the ultimate positivity guru.]
The contentment happens when you're doing 1-5 on a regular basis, all of your needs are taken cared of. Therefore you have more energy, time and health to serve others and make a significant change in this world. Ready to feel content? If you want more help and connection checkout my eBook and follow through with the art journal prompts.
PEACE Be the Journey,
Comment below for connection and please share this blogpost and invite others to WALK IN BEAUTY.