Five [5] tips to keep your eyes on the prize!
How many of us made a concrete decision to eat healthy, have positive self-talk, exercise more or quit something? [My hands are up.] Then we come to a fork in the road and our simple decision get's challenged, we adjust our choices to include an amendment.
EX: I will eat clean in the New Year! Then something happens so we adjust.
EX: I will eat clean in the New Year on weekday's! Again, we're challenged and we make another adaptation.
EX: I will eat clean in the New Year on weekday's but only Monday and Wednesday.
“Focus is a muscle that is created through the flexing of choices. Every decision has the ability to impoverish or prosper you, in mind, body & soul.”
Here's where the fun begins, let's dive into the, "5 tips to keep your eyes on the prize."
STOP! Breathe, and observe. Chances are that you already know what is getting in the way of your success.
Is it a person, place, thing or any other noun?
Do you have control over this particular situation?
Is this situation in control over you?
Now grab your trusty journal, I use my Make Mahalo planner, and write down,
that person, place or thing is distracting you.
Why are they or it allowed to distract you? For me it was my iPhone, all those push notifications, which I allowed to distract me. Children and spouse fall into this category sometimes.
There are three categories that every distraction will fall into.
Life threatening. This defines itself and I'm pretty sure that you won't need an example.
Avoidance. [One of my evils.] When you do everything except what you should be doing.
Out of your control. Not life threatening but it has put a hurdle in your smooth path. What other's do to you.
Counter all the negativity.
Write a list of all the things that are important to you. What get's you up in the morning?
Perhaps you feel compelled or called to complete a certain task. What is it?
Maybe you want to complete a task that someone else started but didn't get to finish.
For every "WHAT" you wrote on #4 write a "WHY. " Here lies the heart of your motivation. If you lack inspiration or feel shadowed by discouragement, then this step is extremely important.
I wrote a previous blogpost called, "How strong is your WHY?"
I'm doing a whole new series about FOCUS on my Instagram page. Using images that I've take to inspire the subconscious mind to persevere. If you're ready to surround your life with awesome intention and focus join here.
Goals Reached
Joy of Completion
New Heights
Career Improvement
Business Growth
And many more...
The best way to make sure that you've learned something is to go out and start teaching it to others. Share the 5-Tips with three other friends. Better yet, do the writing exercises with them. I've included a link below that you can click and it will send a message to your friends on twitter.