It’s an important skill to be able to START and FINISH something but what’s even more important is the ability to FINISH STRONG. Have you ever started something but your momentum wavered, got distracted or loss interest? Only to realize, much later, that you should have stuck with it!
We’ve all heard that term before and sometimes you can catch a hint of, “Where have you been?”
More often then not there’s questions, wonderment & even concern, but often we hear judgement.
Take fitness classes for instance; you start off strong and somewhere in the middle a distraction pops up then you stop. You want to go to class but you’re concerned about what others will say or think about you.
Why do we assume the worst? Honestly… what’s wrong with our brain? Are we self-sabotaging?
Speaking of self sabotage…
I have two other blogpost that covers this topic.
Say this affirmation
“I am open to receiving good things into my life.
Good things are meant to happen to me.
I give & receive grace.
When things get tough or difficult it’s always helpful to start with clearing the roadblocks in the mind and affirmations are a good way to invoke positive vibes. So say them LOUD and PROUD.
5 Power Steps [PS]
Don’t just walk into the direction of your goals, do it with power and purpose. Here are five PS to regain your momentum and they’ll touch on five realms or connection points.
PS #1 Mind
Ignore Negativity
From self-talk to nay-sayers, just ignore them. In my eBook, Walk In Beauty, I share strategies to help you realign and re-fresh your thoughts.
TIP: Create a Pinterest board with positive words and quotes. Commit to reading them daily. Here’s an example.
PS #2 Body
Move Your Body
Sitting still in negative thoughts is counterintuitive to reaching goals. So if you have a desire to tone-up, sitting in a pool of failed attempts will not serve you.
TIP: No matter what type of goal you have commit to doing one [1] thing daily. That’s one small step towards _______. [You name it.]
PS #3 Soul
Feed Your Soul With Happiness
Don’t wait for someone to make you happy or give you purpose. Get around happy people, reflect their joy and create purpose. You feed your soul through moments of INSPIRATION.
TIP: Gather Inspiration.
PS #4 Nature
Allow Nature To Inspire You
How many times has it rained, stormed and thundered? Yet a tiny seed finds a home then sprouts a leaf. Nature has to overcome human occupation and it never relents. Mother Nature is an amazing resource of strength.
TIP: Get outdoors!
PS #5 Eternal
Think “Longevity”
We mistake failures for death. We fail and assume that the dream or goal is dead. Often sweeping it under the rug of unfulfilled ideas. However, life goes on. A failed attempt is just a minor set back.
TIP: Adjust your plan and swap your schedule around. Make TIME and restart your project, idea or creative endeavor.
Revisit & Revive
MIND - Ignore negativity by anchoring onto words that build.
BODY - Physical movement, exercise, creates circulation which promotes clarity. Clarity brings energy.
SOUL - Feed & strengthen it by engaging with happiness in a form that helps you to block harmful thoughts.
NATURE - Connect with a part of Nature that inspires you by making time to commune within your favorite space.
ETERNAL - Think “Longevity” because failure isn’t the end it’s only one part to many options. Restarting allows you to make it better.
Fortunately each of the five areas mentioned come from the, “5 Realms Of Beauty” a teaching format which is written into Walk In Beauty. There are so many details that would not fit in a blogpost, which is why I wrote the eBook. Also, if you purchase the eBook it comes with printable[s] for every chapter. It’s sort of a workbook/manual to guide you on your journey.
Keep looking up, things will get better. Mahalo for reading and please share this post with someone you care about. Let’s build a fit community together.