Are you currently in a “Culture Of Progress?”
Take some time to consider the answer to this question and before I dive into the inspiration of this blogpost here’s a simple definition.
Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectivity. [Google Dictionary]
I was listening to a coaching call with Dean Graziosi, co-creator Of Knowledge Business Blueprint, and he loosely mentioned about a culture of progress. As the training continued my mind continued to ponder the meaning. At the time I was driving and couldn’t take notes but my ears tuned out everything else from that point on.
At the moment I was dealing with a communication issue I was having with one of my contracts and those three words hit me, in a good way. Culture Of Progress.
Am I in a culture of progress?
Am I working with capable people who value systems?
Is this business relationship healthy and is there progress?
At the moment my answer was a big, “NO, NO and NO” then I pulled over to write down a few thoughts.
Figure out your “WHY” and write it down, make it plain and visible. BLOGPOST
Distinguish all the things that dilute or distract you. Decide to stop. BLOGPOST
Make a list of the “Needle Movers” in your life or the tiny steps towards your big goal.
Lock-in your mind to devote 80% of your time to your NM list. BLOGPOST
Get into a group of likeminded individuals. Join their community and create the culture of progress.
I’m completely inspired to find, create and maintain a fellowship that supports my goals. I know this transaction will take time but it will be worth it moving forward.
Now is better than never.
You can do it.
Even if you’re in the last quarter of the season or the last day of the year. Acknowledge where you are and move forward. If you need help check out WIBMM because we’re dedicated to helping each other move the needle.
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“Acknowledge where you are and move forward. Gift yourself the time to figure it out.”