Believe it or not but this is an easy topic to write about. [Why?] Since I see the effects of this everyday. [Where?] Every time I step outside my door and head to my local grocery store. When I'm in a yoga session or visiting a gym, I see the affects of hate.
You're probably wondering, "Groceries & hate, fitness & hate... I don't see the connection Ho'o." You will once I point out a few things.
First of all hate is one of many emotions & all those feelings, positive or negative, affect us. Secondly, what affects us internally WILL eventually affect us externally.
Hate as an emotion, if hidden, festers like a boil & it will ooze a gamut of cray-cray. [Cray-cray is crazy on steroids.]
Cray-cray looks like high levels of stress without a solution, passive aggressive tendencies to blame everyone or the inability to experience peace. Luckily, if you're reading this then it's not you. Because hate & cray-cray aren't proactive, they're reactive energy.
“Energy is like gold coins in the vault of life. Spend it wisely.”
I'm not a Chinese Medicine Doctor, Chiropractor or massage therapist but I have seen them on occasion. They can literally sense un-forgiveness, stress in my relationships or finances. It's not magic it's muscles. Our muscles react to tension and a typical fitness workout will result in muscle tension but it will heal. [If you stretch properly.] But feelings of hate, dislike and anger tenses our muscles and over time it can disfigure our outlook in life. That's why we all need the five antidotes to hate!
5 Antidotes
- Check your feelings towards someone. If you can't be in the same room or can't stand to see their post... there could be issues.
- Forgiveness is the only medicine for hate or bitterness. It's also the toughest but you can Google some amazing reasons why you should forgive & it's benefits.
- Release all desire to hold-a-grudge. It's really not worth it and your time is too precious to spend thinking about that other person.
- Move. Movement is so important. Stagnant feelings & lethargic body are best friends, so you have to do the opposite. Join a dance fitness class and get lost in the music. You'll feel better and trim that waist line at the same time.
- Repeat 1-4 as often as needed because in this day and age everyone is uptight. Those of us who are able to live in PEACE do so by letting go. It's part of the WALK In BEAUTY process.
I had fun using the Hawaiian
in place of love. It sounds like music to the ears.
Feng Shui
Next blogpost I'll be sharing my experience with Feng Shui, which I have been practicing since 2003, the year my daughter was born. She and my husband are both the year of the ram. I've been able to incorporate it into my lifestyle and spiritual convictions. I also blend it with my Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono and the more recent Konmari Method. You have to see it to totally understand how it flows.
2018 Challenge
Understanding the, "s Realms of Beauty" opens doors within our minds. It allows a natural shift to happen through our perspective. And there's no better way to experience this than to go through the pages of WALK IN BEAUTY with friends. The Challenge, should you accept, is to gather friends, commit to regular meet-ups and share the projects you create. The eBook is actually a manual/guide/workbook for holistic lifestyle. Ready to get started?
Fit Foodie
With all the diets out there are you as confused as I was? Ketogenic, Vegan, Paleo, Vegetarian, South Beach, Raw Food, Atkins, Zone, Mediterranean, Pescatarian and now Pegan Diet. Oh yes there's a new one. Obviously with my husband, 7 children, a dog and business to run I don't have time. Which is why I'm working on LIFESTYLE. Think about the following when you shop...
- Do you know the person who raised or grew this product?
- What's a fave & how do you feel after you eat it _______ ?
- Do you like the way you eat?
Here are my answers:
- Most of the time or I read the labels.
- I enjoy pancakes but I always want a nap after I eat them.
- My goal is to eat clean 6 days a week and have fun on the last 1 day. I'm 5/6 So YES!
The real secret is to eat clean! I don't know why there's an urge to name eating styles but there isn't a one size fix all. I eat a lot of Asian fusion foods. Below is a pic of my lunch, local beef & kimchi with organic [probably hot house raised] romaine lettuce & portobello mushrooms.