What if you could get a bunch of friends together & share an AMAZING experience? Why not host a…


Walk Inn Beauty ~PARTY~

Vision Board


A time to express your beautiful soul through creative play. I'm talking delicious food and ah-mazing company getting together to create unique works of art. The idea is to connect with friends and WALK INN BEAUTY. Turning an inspirational quote or book into art. The perk is being able to achieve it with friends and food, the perfect combination.



Plan the date, venue & details.



Collect the supplies & treats.



Be the hostess with the most-ess.

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A few examples with friends

Vision Board Together

Friendship is an art form of beautiful souls coming together. With that much beauty in one room, I'm sure it will spark hope, love & joy. Because when you set aside time to create in groups, miracles happen. Miracles such as laughter & inspiration.  And let's face it, we need this! Our community needs this type of energy. And what better way then to start small and simple.


Keep It Simple Sister, stress is an element that doesn't fit this type of party. Here are a few tips...

  • Decide on the length of time.

  • Do you want everyone to read independently & then come together to share?

  • Perhaps you’ll set up a weekly meet-up to act as a “Host” so your friends can share their thoughts.

  • Share your group pics using #walkinnbeauty

Eventually your group of friends will blossom. They'll probably be looking on Pinterest to find your groups next project.

Tweet: Walk with me as I walk in beauty. Join the newsletter & get exclusive content. #WholelisticFit

FRIENDS on this page who I have had the privilege of creating and collaging with over time. Which usually involves the yummiest desserts, savory dishes and heavenly drinks. I've also included their links so you can checkout their websites. Follow me on Pinterest and checkout the sip & savory boardkeep creating.

PATIENCE: Make Mahalo

KATHYJ: Shift Massage

MAPUANA: Life with Mapuana

NANCY: Emerald Hearts Flying

GRACE: K.Grace Howes

JACKIE: Jackie M. Wood