Have you ever planned a special event just to watch everything go wrong. Perhaps you had a clear idea about your future and then you entered the twilight zone. All of your plans fell apart.
Here’s the kicker, what if this scenario happened over and over again. What are you suppose to do? Is it the timing?
Hopefully you’ll find your answers as we go through this blogpost, so grab a cuppa tea and let’s uncover.
“Time is relevant because we chose to believe in it. It was once a creation which became the creator because we endowed it with power. Be careful what you believe in.”
Do a self check
When you feel like your timing is off and nothing is working, pause.
We’re so used to rushing from one thing to another and have become clueless to hints, signs and gestures of warnings.
Your intuition can not benefit you if you’re not paying attention. Often that gut feeling is trying to tell you something, perhaps an unexplainable pitfall awaits.
Maybe the timing isn’t aligned with your core values.
Stop, Slow & Go
Decide if the obstacles are there to warn you, help you reconsider some of your details or increase your drive.
Sometimes hindrances have a purpose and that’s when you have to determine its meaning. Are you suppose to stop, slow down or go and keep moving forward? Maybe its time to uncover.
Plan your next move
Do you need to adjust your plan or create a new one?
If it’s not time to stop then you have to figure out how you will proceed. Slow down and figure out another strategy or create a plan-B,C,D, whatever it takes to get back into your flow and perfect your timing. Or consider the final option and GO!!! This is when you’re completely aligned, well prepared and determined. You know that it’s not about the timing, it’s all about your tenacity and perseverance. Maybe you should do it afraid.
“Have fun in the journey and if the timing’s off take it as a sign to stop and smell the roses.”
Only you can figure out the right timing for your relationships, projects, business endeavors and so forth. Remember to align yourself with support, like-minded thinkers and healthy habits.
Resist the urge to loose yourself in the hectic details of situations that are out of your control.
Hold on to your core beliefs and make it your foundation.
Maintain your character, be steadfast and take care of your mind, body and soul.