Have you ever resisted something?
or you were faced with change and it felt uncomfortable.
Maybe letting go of something that’s comfortable to be confronted with an unknown risk?
Story Time
Once there was a field of caterpillars, of every shape and size. Each one excited to someday have their glorious prize.
A pair of wings like no other, with patterns to capture sunlight. But the thought of growing wings made a few feel uncomfortable and downright uptight.
"Calm down," said the senior Monarch, as he helped to ease their pain. "This change you fear is already near and you'll have nothing but joy to gain. The freedom to fly has no equal!" And with that they were gleeful.
Settling into their chrysalis, they understood change is significance.
“The greatest of adventures aren’t in the destination but the journey to get there. EnJOY the journey.”
Let’s Shift
Have you ever said, "I'm IN!" to realize that you might have taken on more than you can handle? [Let's all raise our hands in unity.] Don't feel bad, just keep moving. Often our first reaction to challenge is euphoric, that initial impulse of, "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" and you can. It's that same fearless attitude we had as children the difference is that we grew up.
Unfortunately our adult-self has thoughts of negativity and limitations. We have the ability to fly but going into the chrysalis of change seem overwhelming. What if we remembered that wings of freedom are in our DNA. Is that enough to motivate us into positive change?
We have less restraints as our ancestors and more time saving tools at our fingertips. Today is a good day to take action on an idea, fitness program, new recipe, you name it. What areas in your life are waiting to sprout wings?______________________________________ [comment below]
In previous blogpost I've shown you some of my homemade recipes for quick and easy FIT-FOODIE meals. Today I want to show you the fun side, I'm talking cupcakes and macaroons. Our weekends are called OHANA-TIME [family] which translates into relaxation, outings and treats. One of our favorites is a place called Trophy Cupcakes in Seattle. On a sunny day we'll pack a lunch, grab a few cupcakes and head towards Golden Garden Park.
As a Mom I don't hide sweets from my Kamali'i [little ones] but I try my best to find the best. I look for locally sourced or organic products. I swoon over treats made in the PNW with an attention to Fair Trade and Quality assurance.
This particular trip my Sister & I took our Mom to one of our fave spots. It just so happened to be our cheat-day. [Yippee for cheat-day's!!!] I'm so proud of my Mom, she's been doing ah-mazing on her WholelisticFit journey.
You'll never guess, but this delicious ALMOND JOY cupcake is gluten free. Oh my the flavor! I apologize that the signs are out of focus, as you can see I was concentraiting on the cupcakes.
Now this is the type of treat you get for a Walk In Beauty Party or Sip & Socialize. It's so delicious that you have to share the love. I feel that Macaroons should be expensive so that one may only buy a few. Talk about sabotage your way to success! Pick expensive treats to tame the tummy. Lol.
I let my Kamali'i pick one each, they had the hardest time choosing. Meanwhile I couldn't stop smiling. OHANA-TIME is so important! What do you do with your Ohana?