
How to overcome energy draining people.



you can overcome something you have to identify it. Ask yourself, “What drains my energy?” Is it…

  • Stress

  • Lack of sleep.

  • Poor eating habits.

  • Irregular moon-time.

  • Job

  • Lack

  • Self doubt.

Pause and write down everything that makes you feel tired.

Then come back to the blog.

Consider this

Do any of your answers connect to a person? Is it one person or many? If the person is “YOU” then that’s a quick fix but if it’s anyone else there’s one complicated solution and it will take time.

  1. First of all we create emotional ties to people who might not reciprocate the feelings or share our mutual respect. Go back to your list and think about the circumstances or people who are connected to the negative energy you’re feeling. Have you, without their knowledge, put an expectation on them that they’re unaware of?

  2. Secondly, our JOY is woven into the fabric of our soul and it’s a great indicator for your internal compass. You see JOY is not the same as HAPPY because one is the bubbling over of your inner wellbeing and the later can be fabricated. For example someone gives you $1,000 and you’re happy then they take it away and you’re sad. Your mood was directly affected in moments and that is not JOY. In fact it’s the opposite and you feel blessed either way. Has someone affected your ability to dwell in JOY?

  3. Third and final is your ability to reflect and do a soul-check. That’s when you scan your emotions, energy levels and track your habits to see what it uncovers. We all need to practice this because it keeps us grounded. This is why I admire Asian tea drinking communities who end each day with a cup of tea as they reflect. You can journal your feelings and thoughts at the end of each day. My Mom say’s, “Put the pressure on paper!”

Put the pressure on paper!
— Mapuana Tandal

Mental Health = Managing Energy

The best way to overcome energy draining people or circumstances is to learn to manage and identify your flow. Feeling tired, moody or irritated are indicators and if you don’t pay attention to them you’ll loose control one incident at a time.

Below I made a video of my ‘Ohana being themselves and playing to encourage you to play, laugh and enjoy the little things in life.

Top 3 Tips

  1. Identify

  2. Reflect

  3. Adjust

If you can practice the following three things I mentioned and surround yourself with likeminded people it will make a world of difference in your longevity. Remember that stress can morph into a physical ailment so you have to manage your energy and keep that in check. Which is why I started a mastermind, to keep my eyes on the prize.


Detox Your Soul


Our souls, [deep breath] a wonderful connection to infinite & beyond our comprehension. It often goes unnoticed because it doesn't fit the usual standards.

It isn't like the mind, capable of expressing itself. Neither is it like the body where it has a physical presences. 

What is the soul?

The difficult part is that there isn’t a way to measure it. We often can't tell if the soul is starving or maybe we don't know how to feed it?

In my eBook, "Walk in beauty" I wrote about the Soul and how to maintain it. To be honest that was the hardest chapter for me because it’s intangible. You can learn more here.

The SOUL is a bridge, to place far too marvelous to understand, one that connects the mind and body
— Ho'omalamalama

Two things I would like to share before moving on. First this post is based off of my experiences. Secondly you are in control and have the power to choose.


If nothing in this blog resonates with you I hope this will... 


Only you can remove, change or erase the toxicity in your life. Keep in mind that healthy routines offer a type of balance that you'll find helpful. Especially during stressful moments. Always make time for self-care, self-love and above all self-respect.

If you've read this and want to learn more about the soul check out walk in beauty. It covers the 5 Realms Of Beauty and the soul is one of them.



I launched my MANA WAHINE Program, Hawaiian for strong woman. It's a type of strength connected to knowing who you are and valuing yourself. I combine holistic lifestyle + dance fitness + fit-foodie coaching. Eventually I will be offering the fit-foodie portion as an online program. The goal is to create thought patterns and lifestyles that are healthy not fad-ish. A community of MANA Wahine. 

Here's a simple drink that I shared on my Instagram feed. You can add a touch of stevia to this morning smoothie. As far as measurements go, I don't really measure any of it. I generally taste as I go.


If you haven't followed me on Instagram than you're missing out. There's food, nature and quotes to live by. It's positive inspiration that you can look forward to seeing. Much like the image below. It's part of my Words Of Beauty series. 
