Sometimes the struggle we face isn’t outside forces, it might be coming from within. Perhaps this isn’t your season for writing a book, redesigning your closet, or running a mile everyday. My goal is to bring light to the subject of “seasons” and how it relates to your personal goals.
“Like the moon we are only the reflection of a greater force.”
Let go of permanence.
Just like the moon and its many reflections from the sun, it will never be the same.
The moon is meant to orbit around the earth and if it didn't our very existence would end.
First of all we have to accept that we live in an instant society and the ancient practice of seedtime-and-harvest has taken a back seat to our technical world.
For example, you can have organic apples anytime of the year, it’s that simple.
However your body is a conduit of ancient cells whose DNA doesn't relate to the new nature of instant gratification. And somehow we forgot to listen to our bodies which causes us to struggle against our very nature.
Your body is designed to release. Perhaps you’ve held back feelings, hopes & dreams, and can’t move forward. You might be in a season of recovery.
Change is organic.
A healthy river must flow, the ocean needs to move with every current, and the moon needs to rotate.
Nature is in balance when change is happening and sometimes it needs to autocorrect human interferences. [Global Warming]
Second, there are times when we resist change but resistance is futile. Change is bound to happen, no one can stop it.
I think about loved ones who’ve passed away. I can not change the past and resisting the reality will only prolong the pain.
Death and birth are natural. But it’s important that you take time to morn and then make intentional choices to heal.
You might be in a season of acceptance. This is a great time to receive help and healing.
Create self-care rituals.
Being ambitious is awesome but if you’re skipping regular hydration, fitness sessions, nutrition, and skin care routines it will eventually effect you.
Having healthy routines is like depositing gold coins of health into your future bank account called, “the body.”
Third, if you feel physically and emotionally exhausted then pause and practice self-care. Be sensitive to the needs of your body.
Pain and weariness is how our body communicates with us. Address it before dis-ease [disease] settles into your body.
Educate your mind to understand how your body works and what types of food it requires. Spoil yourself with products that are safe for your skin type. [Read labels.]
You might be in a season of rejuvenation. Be considerate and enjoy this season.
Gratitude journals open the heavens.
I know Im taking a lot of liberties in this statement but I can explain.
Everyone knows that gratitude is beneficial for attracting what you want and magnifying the good things in your life.
However, unless you’re writing it down you can not truly benefit from this practice.
Fourth, it’s the simple things in life that will make the biggest difference. Gratitude isn’t woo-woo but a strategical catalyst to attracting good things.
I strongly suggest that you grab a composition book or a fancy journal and start today.
If you’re feeling frustrated with life you might be in a season of realignment. This means that you need to focus on what you want.
Meditate on the power of your breath.
If you’ve read through the entire list and nothing resonated with you then it’s time to meditate.
Anyone, at any age, at any time can meditate. Find a comfortable seated position or lay flat on your back.
Then close your eyes and listen to your inhale and exhale.
Slow down and try counting down from five, four, three, two, and one.
Fifth, if you can’t figure out your season or why you’re still struggling then meditate.
Our inner struggles are tied to our subconscious and we have to take time to unravel these feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Tiny irritations can manifest into full blown outburst. PAUSE, you could be in a season of self-discovery and need time to reflect.
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