Dreary Months
Are the perfect season for “Reflection” because the weather outside is either too wet, too sloshy or too cold. The upside is you can do a lot of self reflection.
Side Note
If you happen to live in a cloudy, rainy and unpredictable climate I hope you’re talking to a nutritionalist about Vitamin D.
Tools Of The Trade…
Below I’m goin to share with you a few benefits along with things to do. It’s important that you schedule activities that keep you moving.
“Even the heavens reflect upon the water.”
Did you know…
That gloomy weather causes one to remain stagnant which creates moody behavior and can lead to unhealthy habits. Here’s an example: It’s your day off and you look outside to see heavy clouds. So you head to your couch and throw up your feet. That’s were stagnation happens, no movement or activity. Then you get hungry and don’t feel like making anything fresh so you grab whatever’s convenient. However it doesn't digest right and now you don’t feel like doing anything. A friend text but you can’t be bothered. She wants to go walking in the mall but you’re too comfortable.
Why reflect?
I know it sounds weird because you’re thinking, “What does reflection have to do with being active?” Let me explain.
Reflection allows you to build “Thoughts.”
Thoughts that will serve you later in life.
Thoughts to keep you on track.
Especially when it’s gloomy or dealing with distractions.
Benefits of Reflection
The first step is to find a place that’s quiet, where you can sit in peace.
Then begin to feel grateful for everything in your life, even the little things.
Write in a gratitude journal. Start with this, “I am grateful for…”
This allows you to fill your mind with POSITIVE things and drown out the negative.
Pull back from your journal and just look around. What is your environment telling you? Then think about your day and your interactions with the world.
This is reflection at its simplest. You’re creating mental notes about what stood out.
It’s a great time to inhale into your nostrils and exhale through your mouth. Soothing your heart and allowing fresh oxygen in.
As you reflectively breathe start to release negative thoughts with each exhale.
Sometimes we forget to let go and this should happen daily.
At tis point I would light a soy candle or incense. The sweet aroma will enable you to associate good thoughts to your day.
Begin to switch your mind from internalizing thoughts to projecting desires. What do you want?
Use these prompts to steer you in the right direction.
What makes you happy?
How can you invite joy into your life?
What is your desire?
You did it! Now bask in the feeling of accomplishment.
Practice these 5 steps until it becomes second nature.
This is my Friday ritual to close out my week but you can do it daily.
Get up and stretch. Reach, lean, fold and breathe. Finally, if you have time, make yourself a cuppa tea. (This is my fave part.)