Have you ever wondered about your direction and if you’re on the right path? Have you ever felt super busy but never productive?
We all understand what fragmented, distracted and confusion feels like so imagine the opposite.
Have you put your gifts and talents on the shelf?
You might be suffering from the lack-of-vision or what I call, “Surrounded by needy people.” You keep putting yourself and ideas on the shelf with the I’ll-get-to-it mindset. Except it never happens.
My mentor told me that we are birth with solutions and come into this world prepared to follow through but we get distracted. Eventually loosing inspiration and energy, many of us end up taking jobs to pay the bills and get stuck.
Today it’s time to dust off those dreams a create a new and improved VISION. One that will stand the test of time. A pathway to help you make sound choices and keep you flowing in the right direction.
Here’s the secret cycle to achieve anything in life it starts with a vision. Then you make it visible or write it down and finally create what you desire. We are responsible to make it happen. [The problem with heroes.]
It's funny how the simplest things in life can make or break us. For example, an apple a day over 30-days has great merit. But eating 30 apples in 1-day won't give you the same value. In fact, the later, will make you sick.
“Project what you desire and the Universe will use it as a blueprint. Vision your way.”
The image above contains all the elements that I use when creating a vision board. You don't have to read the entire post if you don't have the time. I created that image to act as a cheat-sheet. If you're ready, you can jump into creating yours for the coming year... or read on to see more of my examples.
Here are additional reasons to make a vision board: relationship goals, health goals, career goals, education goals, desires, needs, expanding your current vision and anything els you can think of.
This is to quiet the chatter in my head & slow down. I don't set a timer for this part because it varies. Somedays, I can become so distracted that it takes me an hour. Other days, I experience extreme clarity.
Calming Music
Receive LOVE
Reimagine Your Goals
[I share all of my vision board creations on Instagram, link below.]
RED > My big-idea board
I want to be completely authentic when creating. I've come to realize that I can over-think & over-complicate my vision. Timing my project forces me to cut out the distractions because I want to complete my vision board. Besides, that's why meditating in the beginning is so important. I use a 30min timer; 15min to gather and 15min to glue.
BLUE > My relationship board.
I usually pick a theme in the meditation process and focus on it. Then I gather what I need during the timed process. [Usually 15 minutes] I'll use a combination of images and words to convey the goal. The receiving part is super important and you don't want to forget it. Remember to receive what you're asking for by connecting to gratitude every time you look at the board.
ORANGE > My wellness board.
“The wealth comes from within. It’s the flow of abundance that comes from the mind, trickles to the heart, and is expressed in every action.”
5 Questions to help you understand “IF” you’re headed in the right direction?
1st Question: What do you want more of in the new year? Does your VB reflect that goal?
2nd Question: What do you want less of in the new year? Does your VB have Images or words that look nice but it doesn’t align?
3rd Question: What are you willing to release to receive? To achieve what’s on your VB, is there something you have to let-go of? What is it?
4th Question + Action: What’s holding you back? Gather images or words that are opposite of the thing that’s holding you back.
5th Question + Action: Are you looking at your VB often? There’s nothing wrong with using it as your mobile phone’s wallpaper, by your bathroom mirror or on the fridge. #wholelisticfit