When stuck [2/5]


In the series

CREATE YOUR OWN MAGIC, I wanted to sow seeds of inspiration and the best metaphor is a butterfly. [Previous]

This was my topic during this months mastermind. Think about it…

- Why give up your freedom to be confined to a small space?

- What guarantees dos a caterpillar have that it’ll emerge?

- What does it really take to grow wings?

I would imagine that a caterpillar understands the purpose of its lifecycle. Most of all it models FAITH. When stuck in one place the only option is to have FAITH in the process.



To use two words like FAITH and MAGIC in the same conversation might sound heretical since one is associated with religion and the other is outside of that realm. However if everything is energy then what we name it isn’t as important as what we intend with it. [My thoughts.]

In order to create your own magic you have to have FAITH and believe in your potential, regardless of circumstances or upbringing. Magic must first happen within.


The world is full of untethered opinions. What I mean is that people aren’t connected to the outcome of your circumstance. Yet they’re quick to offer facts and web links that will back up their view. The funniest conversations to me are when a sick person tries to tell another sick person how to get well, I hear this type of conversation all the time.

In order for you to create magic you have to stop listening to people who operate in mediocrity. Learn to LISTEN to your Na’au, Hawaiian for that gut-feeling. LISTEN to how you react to things and trust your intuition.


The things that weigh you down and stop valuing the garbage of unmet expectations. The details of you past failures weren’t meant to stop you, it was suppose to show you another possibility.

It’s a good thing that caterpillars don’t have mirrors, or else they would never come out of that hot mess called a chrysalis. Isn’t it amazing that their previous body didn’t hold them back from obtaining their wings. When you RELEASE it allows you to take flight.


What you’ve accomplished in spite of the naysayers. You create magic because you are magical. No one has to understand your purpose, they don’t have to know why you do what you do. The important part is do you understand your purpose?

When you spread your wings and feel freedom lifting you EMBRACE it. You paid your price, did the work and followed through with your dream.


Also known as protect your ability to create magic. Once you manifest FAITH, LISTEN to your Na’au, RELEASE the things that don’t serve you and EMBRACE your awesomeness all that’s left is to duplicate it. Make more magic and change more lives for the better.

Never forget how you had to crawl so that you’ll never go back to it. GUARD your ideas because that’s where the magic starts.

PS: This is why masterminds are so important and effective.