Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 6



That every problem already has a solution. The question is, “Are we paying attention?”

Day 3 - What’s your biggest goal?

Day 4 - What are your biggest obstacles?

Day 5 - Create three possible solutions to your obstacles.

Day 6 - Try out your solutions or if it requires more time break it down into smaller task. Then give each one a deadline in your planner.


On what you want because your biggest goal deserves to be seen. Goals unrealized are like seeds on a shelf. Sure the package reads “watermelon” but if that seed never reaches the soil it will loose its full potential.

Are you living your potential?

You don’t have to pay a single soul another dime to make sure you do what you said you were going to do. In other words keep the promises you make to yourself. If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. If you have to adjust your plans, then do it. But make sure you keep your word. Promises we make to ourselves are the most important types of promises.

Sure you can hire a coach, mentor or join a mastermind but that’s to learn something new. You shouldn’t have to hire someone to hold you accountable to keep your self-made promises.

Here’s my solution to keeping self-made promises [aka- GOALS]… Hang around with people who keep their word!

Individuals who honor their word are the best kind of company because they practice integrity, an old world word that we need to bring back.


Dive Deeper

If you want to level-up write down your solutions in the comment box and give each one a deadline. Then revisit this and post a follow up. I would luv to hear how you made your goal(s) happen.


Your answer in the comment box below.

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