
Why diet?

Body Strategy

(noun a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal in relationship to your physical wellbeing)

What is "Body Strategy" and why have one?

USA is a disease-first nation. Let me explain.

It's based off the idea that you have to wait for sickness or disease before taking care of yourself.

Which goes with the thought process, "Go ahead you're young, LIVE."

Having a body strategy is the complete opposite.



A strategy allows you to be proactive about your body. After all it’s the only vessel we have.

Be proactive so you can be more active as you age.
— Ho'omalamalama

Here are three important questions that you have to ask yourself.

  • Prevention - What can you do NOW to prevent or slowdown aging and disease?

  • Prep - Do you need to gather resources or hire a professional to help you?

  • Practice - How often do you want to practice this strategy?

Be Intentional

I've been designing wellness programs since 2011 and only recently understand what's missing.

What's Missing?

If you want to succeed you'll need to create a body strategy that includes a few key factors, one of them being consistency.

Be Consistent

I don’t know why but for some strange reason the word consistent makes people feel uncomfortable. Feeling as if it’s boring or dull but if you step into the world of business and investing that word makes millions. $$$

Start Here


Healthy habits matter.

The only reason why the diet industry is so lucrative is that they create marketing to contradict habits while seducing you to try their product or service.

Bottom line inconsistency makes millions upon millions. With each product launch and purchase you’re breaking a habit to make a new one.

Body strategy

You have to adopt a plan/strategy and maintain it! Regardless of outside interference you must be DEDICATED to your body.


Must participate in a wellness community. In-person or virtual.

The pandemic kept us apart and damaged our sense of community but the key to success lies within a community. And depending on the type of community you associate with will determine your success.

From new moms to cosplay there’s a community for every hobby and preference.

Body Strategy

The best way to create & maintain healthy habits is to join a community.


Willing to invest into your well-being.

Invest your time to learn, plan and implement the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed. Keep in mind that you, “Get what you pay for.”

That includes lack-of-knowledge because we pay for it with our health. Think about all the health risk that are associated with not knowing. For example it wasn’t until 1969 that warning labels were put on cigarettes, after many lives were loss due to throat cancer.

Body strategy

Invest with your time and then your dollars.


Create a plan and make it visible.

The best strategies are noticeable and seen often. Similar to the one we created for our members. They can pick and choose the sessions that would fit their lifestyle. I hope our members are printing these out in color.

Body strategy

In order for you to succeed you’ll have have to write out your strategy. Good News, I can help. Answer the following in the comment box below. And YES you have to comment because that’s part of the community experience, sharing is caring.

  1. What is your body goal? (More Energy, feel better, etc.)

  2. What day’s will you be working out. Daily or five/days minimum is ideal. (Walk, Cardio, Morning Burst, etc.)

  3. Do you have a planner or calendar?

The “strategy” happens when you write out your idea and commit to a time frame or in the business world create a dead-line.


Communicate, daily, with your wellness community.

Through social post, text or in-person sessions. We’re social beings and thrive in the presence of good vibes.

I don’t mean to get morbid but I learned that the first thing an abuser will do is isolate and cut off their victims support. Community is sanity… let me reframe. Healthy community is sanity.

Body strategy

Find a community you resonate with and an instructor you admire. Join

We have a no nonsense free session. It’s a great place to start and it’s virtual. You’ll also be enrolling n our e-newsletter and we’ll keep you updated. Join with the link above.

The confusion behind MOTIVATION


As a holistic lifestyle & fitness coach or HLFC I try to keep our members motivated. My brain would be filled with ideas, events and challenges to motivate the ladies in our group. I started simple with, “Hey come join” which turned into a whole production.

  • Monthly Challenges

  • Giveaways & Prizes

  • Swag Bags & Gifts

  • Group Coaching

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Text Reminders

  • DM Reminders

  • Posting Reminders

I started to wonder, “Why are so many excited in the beginning but dwindle down in the end?” Am I not motivating them enough?

Then I remembered something about myself, I needed to drink more water but wasn’t motivated. So I bought a fancy water jug, got a water-drinking app and an accountability partner but none of that worked. I knew I had to do it but didn’t have the motivation. Until… I started working out regularly. I was so thirsty during and after my fitness session that I started to CRAVE water.

What’s even more interesting is the definition of MOTIVATION: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. Needless to say but that definition gave me a real “Aha” moment.

The REASON we do anything is the reason we’ll do a-thing.
— Ho'omalamalama

The REASON is your WHY!

If you’re not following through with something it might be because you don’t have a strong WHY. Our WHY anchors us to the reason we work, build, create, love, etc.

MOTIVATION: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

What is your reason, what is your why???

I’m driven to understand the psychology behind our WHY and wrote several blogpost on the subject. What’s funny is that I assume that I’ve exhausted the WHY topic but am able to dig up something new.

How strong is your WHY - here

Why self-care and selfish should go together. - here

Will your WHY stand the test of time? - here [Same as the 1st]

Interactive Learning

Below are the five mind-shift steps you can do to find your WHY and switch from survive to thrive. Click on the podcast link to dive deeper as I explain each step in detail. It might not make any sense at the moment but trust me, the podcast explains it all. Enjoy the journey!


Have you red the recent blogpost? It’s dedicated to the MMIW movement and how you can become an ally. Learn more here.

How BREATH is your super power.


[This blogpost is intended for educational purposes, please consult your physician before applying any of these strategies into your lifestyle.]

Appreciate every “inhale” and be grateful for every “exhale” because it’s simple function connects you to a power source called LIFE.
— Ho'omālamalama


Fresh oxygen offers clarity and helps your brilliant brain function.

If you’re standing up or sitting up chances are your heart is pumping against gravity. Which is why inversions are so helpful, they allow fresh blood flow and oxygen into your brain.

Read through to the end or just scroll down because I attached a video with a few breathing exercises you can use.



Deep breaths supports your bodies ability to properly digest.

Short shallow breathes tenses the muscles and that can prevent the digestive system from doing its part. Imagine that you’re trying to fill a bunch of water balloons with the hose from a fire hydrant. [Not going to work.] The balloon can hold water but how water travels into it makes all the difference. That’s a generic visual of how our stomach works but the correlation is how food travels into the digestive system. Shallow breathing tenses the muscles making it difficult for food to properly digest.



Breathing well offers peace of mind and guides your body into good sleep.

Allowing yourself to to breathe calmly relaxes the body, releasing tension and anxiety. Eventually helping you to drift off into sleep.

There’s nothing like a good nights sleep to charge up the body and brain, the trick is falling asleep. PEACE is the result of the body and mind resting. It offers your soul a place to recharge and face the day.



Your ability to breathe well improves how your immune system responds to threats.

With every exhale is a release of something that the body doesn't need. Proper circulation has so many benefits.

  1. Avoid smoking. If you do smoke, consider taking steps to quit.

  2. Get plenty of sleep. [3/5]

  3. Regular cardiovascular fitness strengthens the heart.



Great breathing habits reduces stress levels in the body and allows you to cope with life.

“Control your breath, control your life,” is a true statement. A steady inhale and exhale is a sign of self mastery. It opens your mind, allowing you to improve your perception in any situation.

Remember the old Kung Fu movies where the master teaches his protégé to meditate and breathe. Breath is powerful and once it’s mastered you can do anything.


learn how to breathe


Isn’t it funny how we perpetuate a bad habit without understanding the negative effects. If we take time to practice the right techniques we will drastically improve our health.

Imagine the simplicity of breathing right and the side effects being: weigh loss, better sleep and more energy. The best part is that it’s FREE!

Ready for more


Regardless of whatʻs happening in the world we still have dreams, desires and goals.

I bet youʻre ready for more and tired of how things have been going.

Sure youʻre making the most of life but by now Netflix has lost its charm and the kitchen isnʻt your idea of a date-night.

Iʻm referring to living the quarantine life.

So whatʻs a bright, vivacious and energetic woman suppose to do?

Iʻll tell you what she does… she dances HULA with other vivacious and energetic women.

It all started…

When I received a message, along with other co-workers, that all the schools in Washington state were closed until further notice. The uncertainty we felt that day didnʻt melt away, in fact itʻs still present months later. Our current situation poses some difficulties but thatʻs when we dig deep and create a solution. The bottom line, WE NEED A SOLID FOUNDATION, but how do we create one?

Un-ease is the undercurrent that steals the sands of peace from the shores we stand upon. Awareness is key and it allows us to find a solid rock and take a stand.
— Hoʻomalamalama

Hereʻs how…

My Kupuna, great-grandmother, modeled an important life lesson. When in doubt, unsure or stuck you should move. Lol, it was really that simple for her. From her wise perspective no good comes from worrying or wondering so get up and move.

This is a woman, who with her young children witnessed the bombing of Pearl Harbor. They were headed to church in Honolulu on a beautiful Sunday morning when the attacks happened. She scurried to gather her children and look for shelter. The following months were scary and full of fear yet she kept moving.

We are like the Moana and a healthy ocean must keep moving.

Following her lead…

My mind reconnected to her stories and I thought to myself, “We have to keep moving.” So I texted a few friends/co-workers and asked if they wanted to workout with me. You see I work at a school as a culture teacher and run my wellness business in the evenings and on the weekend. So I organized our sessions and we were off and sweating.

It started as something to do then became a way to hold sacred space for each women. Hula offered them a place to heal and feel supported. The connections theyʻve made helped them to break through barriers of isolations and sorrow. And when I took a survey I asked, “Do you want to continue?” They all said, “More Hula Please!!!”

Now comes the biggest question of all, How do I support this because that takes time from me and time is money. In all honesty I donʻt have the answer but for now itʻs helping my fellow human being. Teachers are finding their fit-life and joy, mothers are working out and scheduling more “ME TIME” which is important. Theyʻre all finding a flow with holistic lifestyle but not alone, weʻre doing it together.

Do you want more?

Start with movement. Take a random stroll and listen to the birds.

We can not change the world but we can improve what happens within and that’s a good place to start. So why not take it to the NEXT LEVEL and help just one person. Think of someone who could use a community like this where holistic lifestyle and Hula go hand in hand. Who would that be?

Sometimes as women we’re just waiting for an invitation. Who can you invite? Whose life can you help improve through this connection? Send them this blog.

Nature's 5 Secrets to Walk In Beauty


What can we learn from nature? After all we are the masters of this planet! However sickness is on the rise, mental illness is growing rapidly and many things are left untreated or misdiagnosed.

So what can we learn from nature?

Have you ever watched a caterpillar or millipede in wonderment? All those tiny legs moving in unity.  Perhaps you fell victim to the lull of a flowing stream and stared aimlessly. Either way nature is calling for you to observe and learn how to WALK IN BEAUTY. 

It's a fascinating past time, observing plants, clouds and animals. Here are 5 things you can learn... 

Our footprints have the ability to become a sad reminder or joyful celebration of our time here on earth.
— Ho'omalamalama

Keep in mind that these are my views and I would love to hear your observations. In fact you can always comment below. (wink, wink)


To learn more about NATURE'S ability to teach us, check out chapter 9 & 10 in my eBook, "Walk In Beauty." Click here.



Main Dish

Tomato salad, Sesame Oil, Yakima Smoked Sea Salt, Alfalfa [Kimchi in the other dish.]


Canned Salmon (made by my friend) resting on a bed of Kale. No seasoning required.


Steamed Sweet Potato with Furikake seasoning and Sesttle's Theo Chocolate. 70% cacao. 
