Body Strategy
(noun a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal in relationship to your physical wellbeing)
What is "Body Strategy" and why have one?
USA is a disease-first nation. Let me explain.
It's based off the idea that you have to wait for sickness or disease before taking care of yourself.
Which goes with the thought process, "Go ahead you're young, LIVE."
Having a body strategy is the complete opposite.
A strategy allows you to be proactive about your body. After all it’s the only vessel we have.
“Be proactive so you can be more active as you age.”
Here are three important questions that you have to ask yourself.
Prevention - What can you do NOW to prevent or slowdown aging and disease?
Prep - Do you need to gather resources or hire a professional to help you?
Practice - How often do you want to practice this strategy?
Be Intentional
I've been designing wellness programs since 2011 and only recently understand what's missing.
What's Missing?
If you want to succeed you'll need to create a body strategy that includes a few key factors, one of them being consistency.
Be Consistent
I don’t know why but for some strange reason the word consistent makes people feel uncomfortable. Feeling as if it’s boring or dull but if you step into the world of business and investing that word makes millions. $$$
Start Here
Healthy habits matter.
The only reason why the diet industry is so lucrative is that they create marketing to contradict habits while seducing you to try their product or service.
Bottom line inconsistency makes millions upon millions. With each product launch and purchase you’re breaking a habit to make a new one.
Body strategy
You have to adopt a plan/strategy and maintain it! Regardless of outside interference you must be DEDICATED to your body.
Must participate in a wellness community. In-person or virtual.
The pandemic kept us apart and damaged our sense of community but the key to success lies within a community. And depending on the type of community you associate with will determine your success.
From new moms to cosplay there’s a community for every hobby and preference.
Body Strategy
The best way to create & maintain healthy habits is to join a community.
Willing to invest into your well-being.
Invest your time to learn, plan and implement the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed. Keep in mind that you, “Get what you pay for.”
That includes lack-of-knowledge because we pay for it with our health. Think about all the health risk that are associated with not knowing. For example it wasn’t until 1969 that warning labels were put on cigarettes, after many lives were loss due to throat cancer.
Body strategy
Invest with your time and then your dollars.
Create a plan and make it visible.
The best strategies are noticeable and seen often. Similar to the one we created for our members. They can pick and choose the sessions that would fit their lifestyle. I hope our members are printing these out in color.
Body strategy
In order for you to succeed you’ll have have to write out your strategy. Good News, I can help. Answer the following in the comment box below. And YES you have to comment because that’s part of the community experience, sharing is caring.
What is your body goal? (More Energy, feel better, etc.)
What day’s will you be working out. Daily or five/days minimum is ideal. (Walk, Cardio, Morning Burst, etc.)
Do you have a planner or calendar?
The “strategy” happens when you write out your idea and commit to a time frame or in the business world create a dead-line.
Big idea into small steps. IMUA (Move Forward)
5 Reasons to have a planning system. Plan to succeed.
5 Post about mindset. The power of “WHY” and much more.
Communicate, daily, with your wellness community.
Through social post, text or in-person sessions. We’re social beings and thrive in the presence of good vibes.
I don’t mean to get morbid but I learned that the first thing an abuser will do is isolate and cut off their victims support. Community is sanity… let me reframe. Healthy community is sanity.
Body strategy
Find a community you resonate with and an instructor you admire. Join
We have a no nonsense free session. It’s a great place to start and it’s virtual. You’ll also be enrolling n our e-newsletter and we’ll keep you updated. Join with the link above.