Perceived beauty has created an industry, which is based on physical appearance. People perceive a certain hair style or body shape as beautiful. All of this equates to dollars and it's a beast of an industry. We're talking billions into trillions; if you add surgeries, drugs & equipment. Tools to make you look like a model in a magazine.
However if you've read Walk In Beauty, there's a chapter that talks about physical beauty being the weakest of the other realms. [Why?] Because it's subjected to the Laws of Nature which places a heavy tax upon every human. You and I call it AGING.
So if we set aside ego and vanity, weight-management is a really positive thing. It's an anti-disease lifestyle. Listen, we're all destined to age, but how we do it will make all the difference.
“Weight is both a physical & spiritual mass. Be careful of what you consume in both ENERGY & FOOD.”
I used weight-management instead of loss because we never really loose it. Our fluctuating bodies go through so much change that it would be unrealistic to imagine us loosing the weight and it never coming back. We manage our Moon [menstrual cycle] and environment while trying to balance a happy home. We will be forever managing the health of our bodies.
When choosing a program consider one or several systems that address the health of your mind, body and soul. For example I do a STRONG By ZUMBA® workout and practice Hula for some soul alignment. This combination allows me to focus on my entire wellness.
It's important that you write out your goals are before looking into weight-management program. Be clear and take your time describing what you want.
Translate your goals into learnable subjects. Example: GOAL #1 - Tone my tummy. LEARN: What are targeted exercises for the core?
Use a few key words and do a Google search or ask a friend. Example: Google search - Ab workout, toning tummy, best foods to burn fat, six-pack workout.
Through your research you're bound to come across fitness and weight-loss programs that offer you a system. Before you commit check out reviews and read the science behind the brand. *FYI* I've come across programs with one sketchy review but a ton of good ones. Which is why I always suggest to read the science behind the brand. A lot of reviews are purely emotional.
The best way to choose a weight-loss program is if it's sustainable. Does it teach you lifestyle changes that you can duplicate? The worst type of programs are the ones that want you to rely and depend on them. They'll find ways to sell you one thing after another.
In addition to adapting a weight-management program I like to treat myself to Nature. Talk about fitness for the mind, body and soul. The great outdoors offers you the opportunity to de-stress the mind, circulate the body and nourish the soul with gorgeous scenery. I wanted to share some of my Nature-Escapes and you can view more on my Instagram page.