balanced beauty ecourse [bbc]

NOT enough time for the important things in life? 

Learn how to plan & Get stuff done!

60 Min & discover...

  • 5 Prohibitors of Balance.

  • 5 Protectors of Balance. 

  • Follow along with the PDF

BB webinar playsheet.png

You'll get...

  1. Access to the BALANCED BEAUTY TUTORIAL. This 60-minute video will teach you the basic structure that you can duplicate for your specific needs. You may choose to watch the entire session or pause it at anytime. 

  2. Enrolled as a MERMAID, yes I said MERMAID. WholelisticFit's newsletter subscription is called MERMAID MAIL [MerMail] because they're mysterious, marvelous and swim in oceans that cover the entire globe. Our subscribers come from all walks of life and reflect that multi-ethnic vibe from a beautifully global perspective. This is for eco-Beauties who pave the way. 

  3. The BALANCED BEAUTY printable. Before you start your lesson print the PDF from the link provided. It goes hand-in-hand with the tutorial and is filled with practical task which adds value to your experience.

  4. Exclusive access. MERMAIDS will often get insight and additional content that isn't a part of the blog or other social media platforms. We save our juiciest ideas, creations and tutorials for our members.

  5. FaceBook, Instagram & Pinterest for real-time connection. Checkout our custom made Pinterest boards, Instagram inspiration and Facebook Livestream chats.

Invite a friend to join…

  • Get an accountability partner.

  • Share thoughts about what you learned.

  • Encourage one another towards positive change.
