Beautiful Mind
Virtual workouts, daily burst, 5min. PRIVATE Instagram
Sacred Fam.
Sacred Family Wellness, is for Puyallup tribal members and community.
We’ll be streaming mindfulness prompts and so much more throughout the program. So let’s shake off the winter blues and welcome growth, expansion and health. Stay active with us as we share our luv and passion for teas. Join Here
Help us design
The Perfect Community Program
Your thoughts and opinion matter to us and we want to design a program that you’ll enjoy.
Listen up Family…
Did you know that “movement” is a powerful tool to overcome depression, anxiety & more.🤩💛
Google the benefits of “Dance Fitness” and you’ll find so much info.
We’re empowering YOU to help one more woman.
Give the gift of health this season & it cost you nothing.
Fight depression, see your health practitioner & dance with us.
Ask + Plan Together + Show Up = Celebrate
ASK them to join you. Positive peer pressure is powerful.
Both of you subscribe to WholelisticFit our private Instagram page.
PLAN to attend sessions together and set phone reminders.
Create your own reward system & hold each other accountable.
SHOW UP to in-person or virtual sessions, text a friendly reminder to each other.
Set simple & manageable goals. Don’t make it about weight, be creative.
Make time for YOU because no body else will.
CELEBRATE & activate the reward system you created together.
Then invite one more woman. 🍀💚
Fit Foodie Basics
Want to learn more? Ask Ho’o for a 1:1
For “GOAL GETTERS,” women who want more.
Done with dreaming, you’re ready to take action.
MANA WAHINE: Strong and courageous, unstoppable ❤️
Download and print the printable(s) below.
No guarantees, results will vary.
Fill out the pre-coaching form here.
In exchange for your testimony and strategic nutritional support we will create a realm for you to excel.